Mary Arden’s house
inside the Cathedral
One of the Snownodia Cathedral
21st May 2008
We took Snowdon Railway to the summit, due to maintenance works up to the summit. We can only reach half way of the mountain. Although it was only half way, but the wind was very strong. This is a big and bold mountain. We stayed there for 30 minutes. But most of the visitors went back to the train after a short period exposing to the bitter cold wind.
In the afternoon, we proceeded to Stratford-Up-avon (Shakespeares home town) We visited Shakespeares birth place and Mary Arden’s house. These are most quaint building in the town. The roof of the house made from straw. It was thick and compact. The house seems to maintain its original look and feel. Each house has a beautiful garden.
In the main street, some of the shop houses were built as collection of 14th century timber-framed buildings.
早晨, 我们乘搭Snowdon Railway 上史诺多尼亚 山。这是一座光秃秃的石山。由于山上有些维修工程, 所以我们只能逗留在半山腰。虽是半山腰, 但刺骨的寒风及其强力,直叫游客受不了。山上景色宜人。
下山后,我们直往Stratford-Up-avon (莎士比亚的家乡)。我们参观Shakespeares birth place and Mary Arden’s house。 它们还保留着古老的原状。屋顶时厚厚的茅草制成。而且每间房屋都有各自的花园。
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