Hollywood Park
Edinburgh Castle
animal farm
Canola Farm
Edinburgh Castle
animal farm
Canola Farm
Middleham Castle
Ripon Cathedral
18th May 2008
On the way to Edinburgh, we visited Middleham Castle located at Richmond. This was a dilapidated castle. But from what we saw, we could image that it was a magnificent castle.
We went to Ripon to see Ripon Cathedral.. Along the road, there was beautiful scenery, a lot of canola plantations,plam tree plantation ,and follwing animal farm.
After that we proceeded to Edinburgh. The moment we arrived, we saw historical and magnificent buildings along the road. . Edinburgh was divided into old town and new town.
In old town, we visited Edinburgh castle, but we could not enter to the castle because we late for 5 minutes. Although we were unable to get into the castle, we were able to see it from far in Hollywood Park.
前往爱丁堡途中,我们顺道参观Middleham Castle,这已是一座残破的城堡;但从残留的城堡还是可以看出它以往的宏伟。接着,到Ripon 参观Ripon 大教堂。沿途处处都见到金黄色的油菜花。形成一幅美丽的图画。接着看到的是松林,再往前,另一种景色呈现在我们的眼前。左右两旁都是农场。绿油油的草地, 一群群的绵羊,牛只,马儿。形成一幅幅美丽的画面,美极了。过后,再继续我们的行程前往爱丁堡。当一抵达爱丁堡,眼前一亮,一整排的宏伟建筑物。直叫人看呆。爱丁堡分为旧城及新城,多么雄伟的建筑物。我们参观新城的史考特纪念碑(Scatf Monumant) 古城的爱丁堡堡垒。(Edinburgh castle) 这里也曾经是苏格兰皇宫。由于迟了五分钟,我们无缘登上爱丁堡堡垒。
On the way to Edinburgh, we visited Middleham Castle located at Richmond. This was a dilapidated castle. But from what we saw, we could image that it was a magnificent castle.
We went to Ripon to see Ripon Cathedral.. Along the road, there was beautiful scenery, a lot of canola plantations,plam tree plantation ,and follwing animal farm.
After that we proceeded to Edinburgh. The moment we arrived, we saw historical and magnificent buildings along the road. . Edinburgh was divided into old town and new town.
In old town, we visited Edinburgh castle, but we could not enter to the castle because we late for 5 minutes. Although we were unable to get into the castle, we were able to see it from far in Hollywood Park.
前往爱丁堡途中,我们顺道参观Middleham Castle,这已是一座残破的城堡;但从残留的城堡还是可以看出它以往的宏伟。接着,到Ripon 参观Ripon 大教堂。沿途处处都见到金黄色的油菜花。形成一幅美丽的图画。接着看到的是松林,再往前,另一种景色呈现在我们的眼前。左右两旁都是农场。绿油油的草地, 一群群的绵羊,牛只,马儿。形成一幅幅美丽的画面,美极了。过后,再继续我们的行程前往爱丁堡。当一抵达爱丁堡,眼前一亮,一整排的宏伟建筑物。直叫人看呆。爱丁堡分为旧城及新城,多么雄伟的建筑物。我们参观新城的史考特纪念碑(Scatf Monumant) 古城的爱丁堡堡垒。(Edinburgh castle) 这里也曾经是苏格兰皇宫。由于迟了五分钟,我们无缘登上爱丁堡堡垒。
另一个美丽的景点是Hollywood Park.黄橙橙的黄花开满山坡,散发出一股芬芳的香味;弥漫着整个山坡上,形成一股天然的香水味。虽然之前无缘登上爱丁堡堡垒,但在这里却可眺望远处的爱丁堡堡垒