Friday, June 13, 2008

Great Britian - 10 days wonderful trip(2)



Clifford's Tower

Ely Cathedral

Ely Cathedral

17th May 2008

From Cambridge , early in the morning, we travelled to Ely. We visited Ely Cathedral. From here we walked to marketplace, where there was a French food fair with a lot of sweet cookies. Five small cookies cost 4.50 pounds sterling. From here, we proceeded to York. Along the road, we saw huge plantation of canola. May be it was too early, the traffic was not heavy. When we arrived Doncaster, we saw many tall buildings, big shopping centers like Marks and Spencer and Primark.

Arrived York, we visited York Minster. York City Art Gallery and Castle Museum. York Minster York Minster is one of the great cathedrals of the world. The Minster is much more than a superb building. It is a site where history has been made over the centuries.
The Minster itself is an architectural masterpiece and a treasure house of stained glass.

Clifford's Tower stands as a proud symbol of the power of England's medieval kings. Originally built by William the Conqueror to subdue the rebels of the north, it was twice burned to the ground, before being rebuilt by Henry III in the 13th century. After the war, the castle became a prison.

上午6 点多,我们北上往 ELY ( 伊利 )。途中,一片片金黄色的油菜花田园呈现在眼帘, 美丽极了。参观了伊利 大教堂(ELY Cathedral)伊利镇上散发着悠闲,优雅的气息。从教堂直走可到市集广场(market place)刚好是法国食品展。五个小糕点值4.5英镑。

过后,我们往YORK 前进 。一路上,田园风光,风景宜人。可能是还早,车子也不多。直到 Doncaster 才见高楼及繁忙都市,大型购物中心。 如:Marks & Spencer ; Primark 

到了YORK(约克),参观York Minster.( 约克大教堂) York City Art Gallery and Castle Museum。YORK(约克)约克大教堂是世界上最宏伟的建筑之一。约克大教堂的历史很悠久。教堂本身就是一件建筑的杰作,是彩色玻璃的珍宝屋。几个世纪以来,这里一直是基督教徒做礼拜的场所,教堂中回响的合唱涤荡了来宾和教徒们的心灵。
Clifford's Tower

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