Monday, April 28, 2008


小时候, 住在乡下。早上,上学时,一 路上,处处都可看到露珠儿。一粒粒的水珠平铺在绿油油的草地上。当时,还嫌麻烦,讨厌。。。露珠儿把鞋子都弄湿了。
多干年后,来到城市找生活,再也没有这种经验了。直到 前几天,坐在办公室,偶然间,抬头看到电脑上摆放着的万年青,在一片叶上,有一粒水珠,真漂亮。好久。。。好久。。。 都没看到这么美的画面。它唤醒了我, 要惜福, 珍惜拥有的一切。

Sunday, April 27, 2008


wah, really shame, so long never touch my blog. I almost forgot about it. Last few month i had attend a english course. If make me busy.....busy... and plus housework.... really busy.

This is the latest *酵素* i made. I think this time should be consider success.